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Back from Grand' ma's garden

Last weekend, I went to see my grand mother.
It's been a long time no see so we spent some time to talk about everything.
As always my Nikon were on my knees when I went to grand ma's house so I took some shots there.
I also shot with my Bronica S2A which is a Medium Format Camera
I forgot to take my light meter so I had to take those light mesurements with the Digital Camera.

If i get some good shots with the bronica i'll uplod it later.

I took some Panoramas...
In my father's car...(difficult to assemble)

When we arrived I ran to the garden and shot (fallen apples on the right ^^)

We arrived late so the sun were already goin' to bed... I luv this kind of light!

The front      (Kitty tryin' to leave the scene)

I only took one lens with me (18-200mm), and I tried something...
make a Panorama with blurry pics...

When it was too dark to shoot I decided to test somethin':
a panorama with only few shots (3-4) but the wider i could.
the result is... baaad! ^^

My friends knows I like to shoot wide pictures and I then I love panoramas but I also enjoy snapshots.
This is the same flower (2nd shot was 3 hours later) 

I'm still wondering about the meaning of this cat's face... (Screw You! Blahh! ^^)

Lil bro...


When it was impossible to shoot outside I decided to take some in the house


I took another stop-motion

We went back home at 1:00... too dark to take anything with the lens I had.

Bye the way I'm planning to go to Japan soon...
I wanna go to a lot of place to shoot panoramas there, meet friends, eat-drink a lot...


Anonymous said...

Nice shoot buddy. See you soon in TYO.

-Sydney- AKA テツコ said...

Thx homie!