Lately I'm pretty busy learning many things (Softwares & more) in my job too it's crazy like hell how many things we gotta do.
I didn't have many time to take pictures but I did sometimes.
What I'm about to show you today was shot on March-April when the Cherry tree started to bloom.
Well, I went to the "Parc de Sceaux" where many Japanese people come every year to celebrate Hanami (花見) litteraly "Flower Viewing"
I have to say I went there 3 times this year;
-the first time no flower to take on picture... damn I'm too early
-the second time only few people, rainy, crappy flowers...
-the 3rd was the good one!
Yeah!! I met after 4years my Japanese Teacher "Yoshie N. Sensei" which is THE teacher who gave me the will, she motivated me and helped me to go further.
I love her very much, and would like to thank her once again here:
Some other teachers was there too but I mainly spoke with Yoshie Sensei and took many pictures.
Kids Playin' with a Cherry tree (Bronica-S2A- 75mm f:5,6+ Ektachrome 100+)

I took with me some reversal films to do some cross process again, but this time it doesn't came out the way I wanted...
Maybe I put a different reversal film in my camera from what I put in Spain so the colors were damn red this time...
Want an example? Here, take a look at this picture of me my mother took.
(Nikon-F4- 85mm f:4 + Velvia 100F)

When you see this kind of result, the only word that may come in your mind is: "Fucked!"
So I had to try something on those pics. Because the whole sets was like this...
Here is what I could get in the end without screwing up all the pictures:
(Nikon-F4- 85mm + 35-70mm + 50mm + Velvia 100F)

The picture in the middle is dedicated to my friend Tom

I also made some panoramas
(Nikon-F4 50mm + Velvia 100F)
2 stitched pics/ 5 stitched pics/ 3 stitched pics

Then I made some with an other camera:
(Nikon D70s + 18-200mm)
24 stitched pics / 29 stitched pics

142 stitched pics / 72 stitched pics

Before I left the place/ in the train station:
12 stitched pics / 18 stitched pics

It was very pleasant to talk with my Sensei after so many years, play with her kids, take pictures and talk about camera with some students.
Next time, I'll upload pictures I took at "Le Bourget" air Show.
Gyaaaaah Kawakami-senseiiii !! I Loooooooove you !
Beau travail pour rattrapper les photos. Tu devais avoir la rage quand même...
-A l'occasion tu materas les autres photos sur Mixi (j'ai compilé Hanami et le Bourget)
-J'ai été plutôt surpris par la réactions des gens qui ont vu les clichés papier brut sans retouches.
On m'a dit: waa c'est cool comme traitement!!
J'ai eu du mal à réagir franchement. lol
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