show/mask blogger bar


First Picture


For people who don't know me, I live in mess...But it's a mess where I'm ok. ^^ 
Well That mess is my room, where I create, my "world"... (←3rd degree)
I thought I had to show you my environement as an introduction to my other work.

That was very formal huh! So let's be a little bit more crazy from now on...
This picture is one of the first photos assembling.

Bye the way if you want to see a particular kind of picture, just let me know, i'll try to take some shots.



sashimi said...

hey tetuko,
your room is a hell of a mess! XD

Mind doing some clearing up ?

Cya soon ;)

Ash said...

Hi Bro!
Reminds me my room ^_^
It feels good to not be alone :p

-Sydney- AKA テツコ said...

My room is my room!

I admit it's a god damn mess...汗

Anonymous said...

mais qu'est ce que tu raconte Sydney..
on voit le sol!!
c'est le principal non???

-Sydney- AKA テツコ said...

Hahahaha yep!
We can at least see the floor!
My room is OK! 凸(*o*;)!