I said it in my last entry, I'm a lazy guy and as I took many many pictures in Japan it really took me long time to manage everything the way I wanted.
Anyway, today it's the second time I upload pictures of my trip in Japan.
I also have blog in japanese and obviously I put many (different) pictures there too.
Before you go any further I have to warn you, If you think you're about to know much about Japan you're totally WRONG!
As in France I take pictures "I" like... It's not about making memories but "havin' fun takin' pictures"
When I look at those pictures, it remember me many things you can't even imagine... hahaha
Sorry if you think it's a selfish way of sharing but my holidays belongs to me.^^
Obviously I would consider it differently if it was for a "JOB".
Well, what can I say except that my travel was full of great things to eat, drink... (^ゑ^)
I also manage to meet friends who were very distant from the place I stayed...
I just love Ôsaka but this time I was based on Tôkyô "the little".
Tôkyô... The city I didn't liked much because of... many things in fact.
My first japanese friends are from the Kansai, the way they speak, the way they are in general makes me feel good and when I first met people from Kantô it was like a shock... So many difference in the same country.
Finally people from Tôkyô reminded me people from Paris (and maybe it was the biggest shock)
What I didn't liked in Tôkyô was (mainly) the cold hearted people, just like in Paris... (簡単)
From this I also met great persons too, some I would consider like my family (And that means a lot to me).
All of this just to say I now can enjoy going to Tôkyô, and I also know what I like to shoot on picture there.
This time my picture may... humm be disturbing. BECAUSE I ATE SO MUCH!!!!! hahahaha
Let's go this picture is in fact a Private Joke. I used to call that place "The Shiny Yakiniku" Nobody wanna eat there...

This is a home made Curry (カレーライス)
I went to shinjuku, wait for my girlfriend in a "café"
Many people know the yummy Mos Burger but I went to another one (can't remember the name) so many times better than Mc donald's.
A morning at home...
Playing with my toy
In Roppongi (I hate this place...) my girlfriend brought me to the best place to eat:
A Turkish restaurant!! hahaha It was just like when I went to Republic of Turkey.(旨ッ!)
In Tôkyô there is places you cannot find if you're not familiar with the "Nippon System"...
For example this Drum school... you could walk by it's front door without seeing it.
Once, I went to a museum... Ghibli's Layout
After this afternoon I was really tired of wearing all my cameras and all that people around so I went to eat something gooood ^^
The Atmosphere there is totally different... I loved to travel to those place without planning anything.
When I ended up somewhere I looked for a cheap Hotel, put my stuff in the room and go out chillin'.
That makes me think, how can I go to places like this?
Each time I want to go to somewhere like those picture I cannot find any Rail Station...
When I go to Japan for holidays I use a Japan Rail Pass which is the best to go anywhere for only few money.
and, in the Shinkansen what do I do huh? yeah I shoot...
We then decided to go to a Thai restaurant.
Which was very tasty!
Then DJ Zoe had things to do so we went to a drink some beers and more...(梅酒。。。焼酎)
Ôsaka Castle
that's a weird picture just like I luv it.

Hi m'am (on the right→)
With my friend Ikkô we went to the "Old" Ôsaka, drank many 190円 beers
After all those beer and kushiage (串揚げ) we were in good condition to... drink more with I-Syde!
Back to Tôkyô I went strait to Shinagawa's Friday's to meet a friend who work there...
Do I drank again?? yes... a lot until my girlfriend comes 2 hours later.
I know the best Vietnamese Restaurant in Tôkyô... Not the biggest place but the best place for sure!
I like Asakusa's Atmosphere and it's market, you can buy many things you don't need or want just because it's there...^^ great restaurant around
Still in Asakusa looking for a Restaurant... (that was closed for holidays by the way...)
Do you like Waffles? I love waffles... especially with anko or sesame... (涎)
Well after all you may think I ate Japanese food only few times...
What the?! plagiarism?
At MOS Burger.
We went to Tsukiji (築地) a place well known for it's Fresh Fish Market.
I wanted to eat some super great sushi but... I went a day off...
The subway is so clean compared to Paris... Look not even a chewing gum on the floor!!
Shizuoka where a friend of mine can talk to Cats.
are you kiddin'?
Last year I went to a concert of the Yoshida Brothers, it was a great concert.
after that I wanted to eat something special .... and founded by chance an old place.
I went there once again because of the delicious dishes they done.
My internet access become weird so I'll upload some more pictures later.
Well here is the surprizzzz:
pictures of 2007! ^^
This is Chinatown in Yokohama
This is the only meal I could find without pork in it...
A Drum Concert I went to. the Drummer on the down right was great!
Here is the concert of the Yoshida Brother I was talking about.
A funny trick you can do with a 5000円 bill
In 2007 I watched a Kendo session thanks to my girlfriend who was a member of the club before.
the music is from Samurai Spirit 3 (Ukyo's stage)
Japan means: Work=No time to sleep in a proper bed (or布団) train is better.
(the 2 other pictures may be what he was dreamin' about)
When I went to Enoshima with my japanese Mom I took many flawazz in picture.
Not the best But many times better than the ones you 'd find in Paris...
Next time I'll upload pictures I took with my film cameras...
Stay tuned!
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